Business & Philanthropy Climate Forum



Food System Innovation at Scale: Scaling specific evidence-based innovations in EMDEs

Context and challenges

Food systems – encompassing production, transport, processing, energy, waste – are globally responsible for ~33% of GHG emissions and ~88% of deforestation.

Impactful and cost-effective innovations have not yet reached sufficient scale-up in low and middle-income countries (LMIC), despite having the potential to benefit millions of farmers affected by climate change, while addressing emissions and halting the loss of natural habitat and biodiversity.

Initiative Description

​The Food System Innovation at Scale initiative aims to support the scaling of specific, evidence-based innovations to enable their growth.

The initiative aims to boost the resilience of LMICs and mitigate emissions, while benefiting producers globally.

Across seven innovation areas, the initiative consolidate and showcase available projects that meet the criteria of being scientifically-based, cost-effective and with potential for scale-up. It aims to provide guidance towards an efficient allocation of resources to investors and donors.

Each of the investments is forecasted to range between USD 10 Mn and USD 200 Mn.

An example project is weather forecasting in East Africa to support the activity of millions of local farmers.

Commitments from Business & Philanthropy

Support the effort directly through funding of innovation bundles showcased by the initiative

Support the effort indirectly through engaging in actions with the secretariat to enable scale-up of projects

Support market shaping instruments to develop new food systems

How to get involved?

  • Reach out to COP28 Food systems team to learn more about investments opportunities or ways to support the projects scale-up
  • Learn more about market shaping instruments here
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